Frequently asked questions

General information

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What should I bring to the event?
To make your VIVA experience awesome:
  • Water Bottle (water onsite from the tap, bring filtered if you prefer)
  • Snacks (there is a delicious cafe onsite during the main festival, and many little restaurants nearby)
  • Lunch (If you want to eat onsite)
  • Towel (If you have the tendency to sweat)
  • Change of Clothes (You may work hard and want to change into some clean dry clothes after a hard day)
  • A Yoga Mat and Sacral Wedge (We will have very few onsite so please take care of your back as the space during main festival is a hardwood floor)
  • Some Cash (There will be some fun swag on sale at the event, you can always use transfers and paypal too!)
  • A Hat (We may go outside depending on weather)
  • Sunscreen (Outside possible)
  • Notebook (If you like to take notes)
Is there food onsite?

There is no food onsite for purchase other than vending machines. There are restaurants nearby, but bring snacks and a lunch if you prefer to stay onsite for the festival.

Are there vendors at the event?

If you have an awesome product that appeals to the acroyoga community or if you know of someone who does, please email the VIVAcroyoga team by the end of April with a description of the product and we will try to get you a spot at the festival to sell your amazing stock!

How can I find lodging for the weekend?

Please post on the facebook event page if you are looking for a place to stay during the festival. Our community is very welcoming and we will do our best to find you a spot to rest your body and mind. That said, if you are booking lodging book in advance as there are often other big events happening at that time!

Is there parking onsite?

While there is parking on the streets nearby, it is often occupied. Parking is limited and arriving at the venue can be challening since Avenue Mont Royal is pedestrian during the summer and Montreal is notorious for having a lot of summer construction. We strongly advise you to take the metro or a bixi (public bike rental), or a bike to arrive. 


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Can I pay onsite?

It is a good idea to reserve your spot before the event. The space does limit the number of participants possible at the festival. That said, if spots are still available, there will be options to pay onsite, either using our online payment system or in cash.

What if I buy a ticket and then cannot attend?

What if I buy a ticket and then cannot attend?
2025: We will offer full refunds until May 15th. We will refund 50% from May 16th to June 8th. From June 9th on there will be no refunds offered. You are welcome to sell your ticket and inform us of the switch so we can change the name on our participant list. The new ticket holder must complete the waiver form.


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Do I need a partner?

Not at all! Training partners are welcome, however, we work often in groups of three (or more). Expect to meet many people at the event.

What if a class is too challenging or too easy for my abilities?

You are welcome to change classes within the first 15 minutes. We discourage switching after 15 minutes as warm ups and progressions specific to the content will have already been explored. Switching also disrupts the flow of groups. You are also welcome to ask your instructor for more preparatory versions of the material presented or intensifications.

What if I want to volunteer?

We request approximately 6 hours of commitment in exchange for the 3-day main festival at a discounted price of $90. If you want to join for the whole week you pay half price for daylongs. Volunteer First Aid responders can come to all sessions. Our volunteer applications will open on February 18th and close March 18th for the 2025 festival. Stay tuned!

Other questions? Write us

10 + 13 =

Conservatoire de Musique et d’Art Dramatique


4570, avenue Henri-Julien
Montréal (Québec)
H2T 2C8


Mont-Royal Station